Sherrin Precision Synthetic Football Size 5 - Red


Sherrin Precision Synthetic Football Size 5 - Red Precision5Red
Price : 43.95 USDIn stock

The new AFL Sherrin Precision range of footballs are ideal training balls to help improve Aussie Rules Football kicking technique and accuracy.

- Provides guidance on the correct spin pathway
- Increases the size of the ideal impact zone on your foot
- Size 5 – Is a full sized ball suitable for Senior Men aged 16 and over.

This a rubber synthetic ball for training.

Precision points on each end of the Sherrin act as a visual aid for the player to understand the ideal impact zone on their foot. Hitting this point will cause the ball to spin rapidly end over end. Players will then receive immediate feedback by seeing the spin line rotate vertically.

Recognizing the kicking an AFL ball is one of the most challenging skills to learn, Sherrin Australia partnered with AFL Premiership coach and PE Teacher Mark Williams to launch Sherrin Precision. The Precision Sherrin ball features larger sweet spots on each and a red or yellow spin line designed to give immediate feedback to the player.

The Sherrin Precision is designed for players and coaches at all levels, as well as teachers and parents that are instructing skills of Aussie Rules Football.

Please Note: We do not ship this Sherrin football inflated, due risk of damage in transit. However we do have pumps and needles should you need them.

Sherrin Precision Synthetic Football Size 5 - Red
Sherrin Precision Synthetic Football Size 5 - Red

Play Aussie USA - est. 2018
